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Ask Your Vent Cleaning Service to Change Your HEPA Filters Today

Change your hepa filters and your yearly vent cleaning is a vital part of your household maintenance. It goes without saying that humans require access to clean air in order to survive. However, in reality, it has become difficult for people to get clean, breathable air. 

The outdoor air is already filled with air contaminants which deteriorate the indoor air quality. Thanks to regular air duct cleaning and vent cleaning services, which help in providing clean and fresh air to breathe in. 

The poor indoor air quality creates a dire need for a well-functioning ventilation system. 

The Meaning of Ventilation

The fundamental process of exchanging damp air with fresh air is termed ventilation. When buildings lack proper ventilation, bacteria and carbon can accumulate, making indoor air more polluted than outdoor air. 

While we prefer to consider ventilation as either air circulation within a building or the addition of outside air. Ventilation is basically a collection of activities that leads to the supply and extraction of air from a facility. Generally, these procedures involve taking in outdoor air, cooling it, and blending it with some indoor air before spreading it around the building and expelling some indoor air outdoors. 

When one or more of these activities is insufficient, the quality of the indoor air may degrade.

The Significance of Ventilation for Buildings

Earlier, blowing out a stuffy room was a typical technique because the majority of buildings had windows that opened. Additionally, the passage of air via building shell leaks offered ventilation due to changes in inside and outside air pressure. Modern office buildings typically lack operable windows, and mechanical ventilation systems supply relatively cleaner outdoor air to replace the indoor air.

  • Impacts Energy Efficiency and Air Quality 

One of the most crucial components of any HVAC system is ventilation. It considerably impacts energy efficiency and air quality. Adequate ventilation reduces odors, dilutes gases, and prevents the transmission of respiratory ailments. In educational institutions and any form of indoor environment where numerous people gather, ventilation air is essential.

  • Reduces The Spread of Viruses

Research suggests that viral particles transmit between people more quickly indoors as compared to outdoors. When compared to the outdoors, where even a moderate breeze can significantly lower concentrations, the density of virus particles indoors is frequently higher. Ventilation countermeasures can assist in lowering the virus particle concentration inside. The likelihood of inhaling virus particles into the lungs decreases with decreasing concentration.

  • Legal Requirement 

Unhealthy and hazardous indoor air can result from inadequate ventilation. Building ventilation is a legal obligation under the Building Regulations, which state that a building should have the proper degree of ventilation rates.

  • The Reduction of Indoor Air Pollution

The best method for ensuring clean indoor air is to control pollutants at their source. However, it is not always feasible or possible to control or attenuate all sources. The second most successful method for supplying suitable indoor air is ventilation, either natural or mechanical.

The Significance of Adequate Ventilation in Houses and Change your hepa filters

Your home can expel moisture, smoke, cooking odors, and other interior contaminants with the use of ventilation. Attic heat levels are managed by structural ventilation, which at the same time ensures that humidity levels are kept in check and moisture is kept out of uninsulated walls. 

Your home and health benefit from an uninterrupted airflow since anything that blocks this flow can cause damage both to them and to you. Ventilation is crucial because it regulates how much moisture remains in your home, which is one of its many benefits.

  • Improves Indoor Air Quality and Prevents Asthma

Moldy and wet environments can be significant asthma triggers. When high humidity levels and improper house ventilation systems combine, they create a perfect environment for dust mites to thrive. These dust mites and the debris they release into the air live in poorly ventilated homes. 

Their waste can trigger allergic reactions that result in asthma attacks, eczema, watery eyes, itching, sneezing, and runny nose when it comes into contact with the skin or is ingested. An efficient ventilation system can considerably alleviate these problems, and several asthmatics have experienced rapid advantages after installing one in their houses.

  • Helpful in Minimizing Radon Gas Densities

In some regions of the country, uranium naturally decays in rocks and soil to produce radon gas, an odorless and colorless gas. The World Health Organization has connected a few incidences of lung cancer to radon gas. If there is insufficient ventilation in houses near water treatment plants, mines, and caverns, radon gas may become confined and cause concentrations to rise. Radon gas concentrations can be lowered to safe levels by installing proper ventilation.

  • Eliminates Condensation That Harms the Home

A survey reveals that 58% of houses have a condensation problem. How does condensation occur? It happens when the temperature in the house lowers, particularly at night when the heating is off. Condensation or streaming windows appear when the air becomes saturated with moisture that is produced in our homes, and it travels to cold surfaces such as windows, walls, and behind furniture.

The most frequent type of dampness is condensation, which eventually encourages the growth of mold. If you allow it to progress over time, you’ll see moist spots may show up on your walls, which could lead to wallpaper flaking and eventually the growth of black mold. This causes musty odors, damages the house’s structure, and may even have negative health effects. A condensation control unit provides adequate ventilation so a stagnant and stale atmosphere is transformed into a fresh, healthy, humidity-free one.

  • Decreases The Risk of Back Drafting

The term “negative pressure” refers to the condition where the pressure within a home is lower than the pressure outside. Back drafting is the process of drawing outside air into a house that has negative pressure. In homes, combustion gases such as carbon monoxide can become concentrated when brought back into chimneys or other openings, and this can really be hazardous for the residents. Here, ventilation serves as a pressure regulator. 

By regulating the pressure within a home, ventilation helps in preventing back drafting. 

  • Improve Indoor Air Quality with Ventilation

Reducing or eliminating the sources of pollutants and ventilating with fresh outdoor air are the most efficient strategies to improve the quality of your indoor air. Furthermore, research indicates that filtration can be a useful adjunct to source management and ventilation. Indoor air quality can be enhanced by using a portable air purifier and/or replacing the air filter in your air vent system, furnace or central heating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system.

HEPA Filters in Air Vent Cleaning

An example of a mechanical air filter with pleats is the HEPA filter. Pollen, pet dander, tobacco smoke, and other hazardous particles are captured by forcing air through a thin net that is built into the device. 99.9% of the aerosolized virus particles in the air are removed by the high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter. 

Between 300 nanometers, or one-millionth of a millimeter, and more than 100 micrometers, are the sizes of aerosolized respiratory particles. Captured larger or smaller particles are even more effective.

Air cleaners do offer filtration, but they do not produce fresh air, so they must be used in conjunction with better ventilation to help diffuse aerosols, such as virus particles. 

The purpose of ventilation is to provide fresh air through windows and/or HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning). Improved ventilation can be achieved by opening doors, upgrading or servicing HVAC filters, and creating cross ventilation. 

Air cleaners are an additional instrument that helps us acquire the necessary air changes and further lower the risk of virus particles.

Here are some things to think about if you determine an air cleaner can help lower danger in your area:

  • The noise level is acceptable. Sometimes it is rational to have two air cleaners that are quieter than one huge cleaner because fans are noisy. 
  • Charges
  • The clean air delivery rate must be enough for the capacity of the room.
  • Use a HEPA air cleaner (the most preferable choice).
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HEPA Filters BenzVac

COVID Spread Can Be Reduced by HEPA Filters in Air Vent Systems

The epidemic has highlighted both the need for reform and the harmful effects of inadequate ventilation. Improvements in ventilation have been linked to lower infection rates. It has been estimated that the use of masks and portable air cleaners with high-efficiency particulate air filters, or HEPA filters, might cut the spread of the coronavirus by 90%.

Better airflow offers an extra effective layer of defense and can be a lifesaving aid for those who have not received all recommended vaccinations, those with compromised immune systems, and young children who are not yet old enough to get immunizations. Changing out the majority of the air in a room as frequently as possible, either by bringing in fresh air from outside or passing it through high-efficiency filters, is one of the best strategies to prevent the spread of disease indoors.

Advantages of Good Ventilation Systems in Homes or Buildings

  • Low Moisture Levels

Lack of adequate ventilation or the absence of sufficient ventilation can lead to high humidity levels. Checking the humidity is necessary to stop mold growth. We’ll breathe unhealthy air if moisture and humidity are not properly vented. It is important to open the windows and doors to let outside air replace the air inside in order to improve the air quality. Spot ventilation systems, like ceiling fans, facilitate air flow in each room.

  • Enhancing Energy Efficiency

Energy recovery ventilators function similarly to heat pumps. Despite removing stale air, they transfer heat from your home in summer.  You’ll be able to breathe fresh air while avoiding energy waste and rising power costs. A ventilation system can decrease the humidity in your home, lowering the need for your air conditioner and extending the life of both.

  • Bring Temperature Down

When many people are crammed into a small area, whether for business, a conference, or a public gathering, the atmosphere can quickly become stifling and warm. A space with good ventilation will feel cozier right away, improving the atmosphere and fostering greater productivity.

  • Health Advantages

Your home’s ventilation system can significantly lower your chance of developing a variety of ailments like asthma, allergies, and headaches. You can reduce the causes of many common respiratory issues by reducing moisture. A good ventilation system provides a healthier atmosphere for your family to live peacefully in good health.

Additionally, you can get rid of surplus moisture, which can make your house unpleasant and promote organic growth and pest infestation. An exhaust fan will reduce odors from cooking and other activities in the kitchen or bathroom. 

  • A Better Indoor Air Quality

In most ventilation systems, filters are used to filter the incoming air, ensuring that it is clean and safe to breathe. Benzene, toluene, xylene, formaldehyde, and acetone are among the volatile organic chemicals that are removed by proper ventilation. 

There are many VOCs that evaporate at room temperature, including those found in air fresheners, cleaning products, and paints. They may result in headaches, exhaustion, sinus issues, lightheadedness, and other health issues.

  • Minimize Impurities

There may be times when you think the air inside your home is less polluted than the air outside, especially if you live in a bustling city center. However, in many cases, the air inside your home is more polluted than the air outside. Here, good ventilation systems offer a pollutant-free indoor environment by eliminating moisture, accumulated pollutants, germs and viruses, and bad odors. 

Insider Tips for Getting HEPA Filters

There are numerous options available, and it might be challenging to comprehend the specifics of the various air filters. The following standards might be utilized for an HVAC system or a full house based:

  • A MERV Score of 8 Or Higher

MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value, which indicates whether a filter is capable of capturing large particles. The better it is at capturing particular types of particles, the higher the MERV rating.

  • Not an Ozone Producer

According to the EPA, ozone can be delivered into indoor air in some air filtration systems at levels “much above limits regarded to be detrimental to human health.” HEPA filters are thus an appropriate choice for installing in house or building air vent systems because they do not produce ozone or deliver harmful pollutants into indoor air.

  • Non-ionizing

In addition to the worries about ozone creation, the EPA does not believe ionizing air purifiers to be as efficient. The EPA website claims that they do not work well in eliminating gases or odors and may be rather poor in eliminating big particles such as pollen and house dust allergens. 

HEPA Filter Maintenance Advice and Suggestions

You must clean or replace it regularly for your air filter to operate as it should. The easy part is that you can do it yourself. Simply locate your filter, remove the housing, and replace the filter. You don’t need to contact a professional for the maintenance service of your HEPA filter

Depending on the season or region, you may need to clean or change the filter more frequently. Generally, it is suggested that you clean or replace it at least once every three months. The pollen season will be awful if you live in a heavily forested area, and you might need to refill it more frequently. Remember, a higher efficiency means you’ll have to clean or replace it more frequently. 

Final Thoughts

Humans need fresh air to survive. This is a fact, and no one can change it. The problem comes when we realize that we are deprived of fresh, breathable air. Ironically, indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air. 

To improve the outdoor air quality, certain measures need to be taken by the government and the citizens. While to be able to breathe in fresh indoor air, we have a few appliances and processes that can help us have clean, breathable air. 

Air purifiers and proper ventilation in houses and buildings offer a pollutant-free indoor environment by eliminating moisture, accumulated pollutants, germs and viruses, and bad odors. Along with adequate air ventilation and air filtration, you need to frequently have air duct cleaning of your HVAC systems to maintain the indoor air quality of your house or building. 

When it comes to choosing the best air filter, we recommend HEPA filters only as they are non-ozone producing, non-ionizing, and have a higher MERV rating. 

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